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  • Writer's pictureChloe Glassie

New Year, Same Old Sentiments

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

I was recently sitting with one of my best friends contemplating what I should write about in my next blogpost. As we bounced ideas back and forth to one another, she proceeded to tell me that I should talk about how I’ve managed to find the value in life despite being given opportunities that feed life’s most invaluable traits. She suggested that I speak about looking past the artificiality of my history with modelling, popularity and privilege. Although I took this with a grain of salt at the time, I started to draft up a handful of topics before coming to realise that I had conjured a list of countless blog titles with no way of knowing how to express any of them. As I would begin to write about something, I found myself re-reading my words and applying this voice inside my head that would say “you sound so out of touch right now” or “that’s easy for you to say, you’ve had it easy”… Because for someone who’s had a very fortunate life…. ultimately, what do I know?

Admittedly these are the thoughts that interfere with my writing and that place a stamp of invalidity on everything that I want to say. I am very, very well aware that I have been privileged and have never understood the root of struggle… and I can’t guarantee that I ever will. So again… what would I know?

I’ve always aspired to write about things that will inspire people and shed some light on the vast beauty of this world, but as someone who has never discovered the darkest pits that life has to offer, I feel fraudulent giving advice on it. It wasn’t until speaking with my dear friend where she forced me to realise that although I may have not visited the hardships of life, I can admit that I have grown familiar with certain privileges that life has had to offer and can attest that they truly do not hold any weight either. In a time where the majority of our generation are seeking worth in followers, compliments, wealth and status; I’ve come to learn in my short 23 years that these desires don’t feed life’s virtues and fail to leave us feeling fulfilled and gratified.

In addition to this, one lesson that Covid had illuminated for me these last few years and one that I want to reiterate to you is that we are all living in this world relying on the same thing and that is our health. Without our livelihood and freedom; our possessions, accessories, follow coun, appearance and wealth simply sink. As someone who has experienced the virtues of what we deem as valuable; I can confirm that what I’ve found truly valuable in this world are the things that come for free... And once I was able to acknowledge this, my perception and appreciation for the world, my life and myself simply flourished.

In light of this new year, let’s all make a conscious effort to gain a clearer perspective of what’s truly important. Sure - your job position, school grades, social media following, possessions and status all enhance the experience of life but the experience simply can not exist without expression, knowledge, health and human connection. Find people in your life that make you feel alive, find aspects of organic beauty hidden in the world, create light-hearted stories to tell yourself in the future and discover your deep-seated feelings to tell others in the present. There’s no doubt that we are living in a world of unpredictability, hardships, fear and inequality - but we are all granted the gift of living another year, so let’s take what we can get and make the most of it.

I wish you all another year of prosperity, joy and love. May it treat you kindly and may you treat it kindly back.

Happy New Year. Love Chlo xx

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